Frequently Asked Questions

Have other questions? Feel free to contact us.

Do volunteers do background checks?

As part of the training, all volunteers are required to go through a screening process, that includes a criminal record check before they work with minors.

How large is a group and how often does it meet?

Group sizes vary depending on circumstances, and can range from a few participants, to over 20. Generally, groups meet at least once per week. However, depending on the needs of the group, can meet several times a week.

Where do groups meet?

Groups usually meet in a common space, such as a community centre or library. 

What is a junior youth group "animator"?

We call facilitators of junior youth groups animators because their role is to bring joy and life into the activities of the group. An animator serves as a true friend and wise advisor to the junior youth, and is careful to not act in a paternalistic way.

Is the programme religious?

The programme is not religious in nature, and does not instruct participants in faith-based laws or teachings. It does use profound and universal moral standards to inspire them to take charge of their own development and contribute to the progress of their communities. The materials the programme uses are filled with moral concepts inspired by Baha'i principles, such as seeking hope in times of despair and striving for excellence in all things. 

Learn More

Can I become a volunteer?

In order to become a volunteer (aka an "animator"), you participate in a training that helps you develop your capacity to work with junior youth. Please contact us if you are interested.

Which parts of Canada is the Junior Youth Empowerment Programme offered ?

The programme can be found in most Canadian cities. If you'd like more information please contact us.